Feb. 18
We had a very relaxing day with a little blog time, some grocery shopping and a drive down to the harbor in Fort Pierce in the late afternoon. Nice to move in slow mothion once in a while.
Habor Full of Large Recreational Fishing Boats |
Sunset at the Jetty |
I love these pleicans with the golden heads. |
Feb. 19
Today we planned to go down to Fort Lauderdale in the morning, just under a 2 hour drive, and check out the largest swap meet in the country. Norm and Chris had seen it on HGTV. Norm wants to pick up some things to sell on Ebay along the way. That part of our plan worked out great. The swap meet is huge and he did find some treasures. We walked over a mile but the 87 degree temp encouraged us to move on and go down to the beach. That’s where our plans went awry. Even though we have luck on our side and live on the sunny side of the street, we didn’t get close enough for a good look. Fort Lauderdale on a Sunday of a three day weekend with a marathon going on didn’t lend itself to a picnic on the beach. We couldn’t even get to the beach! The traffic was miserable so we headed back north on the coast highway but the few public parking spots were taken and the road was lined with high rise hotels and condos. They have most of the beach front. We wanted to see where all the college kids party for spring break but didn’t get so much as a peek. We decided to picnic in a corporate parking lot and see the beach another day. Next week we will drive down to Palm Beach during the middle of the week. Life is great back at the Manor after a shower and wine time on the horizon.
Looking for Ebay Finds |
This one's for you Faye |
Stuffing Jake's Chico stuff bag full. Thanks Jake. |